Karaim cuisine has retaken its traditions up to the present undoubtedly due to their industry. The base of the Karaim kitchen is meat and paste dishes. Lithuanian Karaims have various national dishes. One of the most famous non-ritual dishes known not only to Karaims is kybyn (pl. kybynlar). It is a leavened paste cake having the form of half-moon and the lamb or beef filling; it is baked in the oven. Karaims could not do without a national drink - krupnik. Its name is taken over from the local inhabitants, but the recipes are different. In order to make it, various roots and oriental spices are used - cloves, muscat nuts and others. “Tradicinė karaimų trauktinė” is a strong alcoholic beverage, has a nice golden color and is suitable to kybynlar and other karaim dishes.